competitive antagonist meaning in Chinese
- Here we show that 27 - hydroxycholesterol ( 27hc ) , an abundant cholesterol metabolite that is elevated with hypercholesterolemia and found in atherosclerotic lesions , is a competitive antagonist of estrogen receptor action in the vasculature
在此我们发现27 -羟基胆甾醇( 27hc )是一种含量丰富的胆固醇代谢产物,它的过量引起高胆固醇血症并存于粥样硬化病变中,在血管中是雌激素受体竞争性拮抗剂。 - These suggest that the inhibition of gaba is a key point in executive control of behavior . the non - competitive antagonist of nmda / glutamate receptors has recently been shown to induce schizophrenia - like symptoms in healthy volunteers and in schizophrenic patients
主要结果和结论如下:一、恒河猴前额叶执行控制功能的行为和生理学特点1 .三只猴执行go / n090任务的反应时分别为419士18ms 、 376士26ms和540士21ms 。 - This is in line with experimental research in rodents where central or peripheral administration of nmda - antagonists has been shown to produce effects that resemble some symptoms of schizophrenia . bilateral injections of competitive and non - competitive antagonists in the medial pfc ( mpfc ) induced hyperactivity
2 .实验中“ go ”线索呈现时, pfc神经元放电频率显著增加,高于“ no90 ”线索呈现时神经元放电频率增加值,提示对视觉警告信号的反应具有识别和分辨作用。